Paper of the Month

Once a month during the academic year our faculty will select a paper which we encourage our students to read and discuss. Papers featured in this section should be generally understood by graduate students, and will be selected either because of their impact, or historical value, or because they contain useful (perhaps overlooked) techniques or results.

Paper of the Month: February 2025

Once a month during the academic year, the statistics faculty select a paper for our students to read and discuss. Papers are selected based on their impact or historical value, or because they contain useful techniques or results. How to annoy a journal editor – top 10 typesetting mistakes when submitting a paper in LaTeX […]

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Paper of the Month: March 2023

David M. Blei, Alp Kucukelbir & Jon D. McAuliffe (2017) Variational Inference: A Review for Statisticians, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 112:518, 859-877.

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Paper of the Month: September 2022

Belkin, M., Hsu, D., Ma, S., & Mandal, S. (2019). Reconciling modern machine-learning practice and the classical bias–variance trade-off. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(32), 15849-15854.

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Paper of the Month: April 2022

Liu, Y., & Xie, J. (2020). Cauchy Combination Test: A Powerful Test With Analytic p-Value Calculation Under Arbitrary Dependency Structures Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115(529), 393-402.

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Paper of the Month: February 2022

Nozer D. Singpurwalla, Nicholas G. Polson & Refik Soyer (2018), From Least Squares to Signal Processing and Particle Filtering, Technometrics, 60:2, 146-160.

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Paper of the Month: November 2021

Bradley Efron (2020) Prediction, Estimation, and Attribution.pdf, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115:530, 636-655, DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2020.1762613.

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Paper of the Month: October 2021

Leon Bottou. Online learning and stochastic approximations. In D Saad, editor, Online Algorithms and Stochastic Approximations. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 1998.

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Paper of the Month: December 2020

Dirk Eddelbuettel and Conrad Sanderson(2014) RcppArmadillo: Accelerating R with high-performance C++ linear algebra. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2014, 71, March, pages 1054- 1063.

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Paper of the Month: November 2019

Albert, J. H., & Chib, S. (1993). Bayesian Analysis of Binary and Polychotomous Response Data, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88(422), 669-679

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Paper of the Month: April 2019

Shuo-Yen Robert Li (1980). A Martingale Approach to the Study of Occurrence of Sequence Patterns in Repeated Experiments, Annals of Probability, 8(6), 1171-1176.

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Paper of the Month: October 2018

Once a month during the academic year, the statistics faculty select a paper for our students to read and discuss. Papers are selected based on their impact or historical value, or because they contain useful techniques or results. Notes preparer: Haim Bar The Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm was introduced by Dempster, Laird, and Rubin in […]

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Paper of the Month: September 2018

Golub, G. H., Heath, M., & Wahba, G. (1979). Generalized Cross-Validation as a Method for Choosing a Good Ridge Parameter. Technometrics, 21(2), 215–223.

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Paper of the Month: May 2018

Once a month during the academic year, the statistics faculty select a paper for our students to read and discuss. Papers are selected based on their impact or historical value, or because they contain useful techniques or results. Notes preparer: Haim Bar The last paper of the month for the academic year appeared in the […]

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Paper of the Month: March and April 2018

Once a month during the academic year, the statistics faculty select a paper for our students to read and discuss. Papers are selected based on their impact or historical value, or because they contain useful techniques or results. Notes preparer: Jun Yan Even an undergraduate student taking a regression course knows how to do model […]

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