
PhD student Jackson Lautier received a student award for the ASA Risk Analysis 2022 Student Paper Award competition

PhD student Jackson Lautier’s paper, “Modeling Time-to-Event Contingent Cash Flows: A Discrete-Time Survival Analysis Approach”, co-authored with Professor Vladimir Pozdnyakov and Professor Jun Yan, has been selected as a winner for the ASA Risk Analysis 2022 Student Paper Award competition. Congratulations!  

Dr. Joseph C. Cappelleri, Adjunct Professor, has been awarded the ISPOR Avedis Donabedian Outcomes Research Lifetime Achievement Award

ASA Fellow Joe Cappelleri, head of outcome research statistics, will receive this year’s International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) Avedis Donabedian Outcomes Research Lifetime Achievement Award for his outstanding contributions over the years to patient health outcomes.   Congratulations Joe!

PhD students Wenlin Yuan, Simiao Gao, Md Tuhin Sheikh, Daeyoung Lim, and Yiming Zhang received ISBA Travel awards

Wenlin Yuan, Simiao Gao, Md Tuhin Sheikh, Daeyoung Lim, and Yiming Zhang have been awarded ISBA (The International Society for Bayesian Analysis) Travel Award to attend the 2022 ISBA World Meeting or any other ISBA Section or co-sponsored meeting between now and December 31, 2022. Congratulations Wenlin, Simiao, Tuhin, Daeyoung, and Yiming!

Profs. Cornejo, Prates, Dey & Rue have won best paper by International Association for Statistical Computing – Latin American Regional Section (IASC-LARS)

Best Paper Winners 2021: Title: ‘Fast Bayesian inference for block-NNGP for large data’. First Author: Zaida Jesús Quiroz Cornejo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú Co-Author: Marcos O. Prates, Department of Statistics, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Co-Author: Dipak K. Dey, Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut Co-Author: Havard Rue, Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and […]

PhD student Yiming Zhang received 1st place award (Spiegelman Award) of the 2021 TSIG Student Paper Competition.

Yiming Zhang has won the 1st place award (Spiegelman Award) of the 2021 Transportation Statistics Interest Group (TSIG) of the ASA Student Paper Competition. His paper is entitled “Bayesian Criterion-based Assessments of Recurrent Event Models with Applications to Commercial Truck Driver Behavior Studies” co-authored with Feng Guo and Ming-Hui Chen. Congratulations Yiming!