
Ofer Harel has been awarded the APHS Achievement in Academia Award for 2023

Ofer Harel has been awarded the APHS Achievement in Academia Award for 2023. In recognition of your distinguished career in statistical research and applications. Your contributions to public health and health policy through research and commitment to the American Public Health Statistics section. Your mentoring of students, current and future statisticians and biostatisticians and tireless […]

Ofer Harel joins The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics

Prof. Ofer Harel has been invited and accepted to be a standing member of The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics (CATS). CATS convenes workshops, consensus studies, and other activities to connect frontiers in statistics research, education, training, and practice to issues of national and global importance.