Faculty Awards

Profs. Cornejo, Prates, Dey & Rue have won best paper by International Association for Statistical Computing – Latin American Regional Section (IASC-LARS)

Best Paper Winners 2021: Title: ‘Fast Bayesian inference for block-NNGP for large data’. First Author: Zaida Jesús Quiroz Cornejo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú Co-Author: Marcos O. Prates, Department of Statistics, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Co-Author: Dipak K. Dey, Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut Co-Author: Havard Rue, Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and […]

– Prof. Dipak Dey is the winner of the 2021 Faculty Mentoring of Faculty Award.

Prof. Dipak Dey is the winner of the 2021 Faculty Mentoring of Faculty Award. The Faculty Mentoring Awards will recognize faculty who demonstrate exemplary support, encouragement, and the creation of opportunities to enrich the learning and professional development of others. Awards will be given in three categories each year: mentoring of faculty, mentoring of graduate […]