Prof. Kun Chen has been elected as Program Chair-Elect 2022 for the ASA Statistical Computing Section. Congratulations!
Faculty Awards
Profs. Cornejo, Prates, Dey & Rue have won best paper by International Association for Statistical Computing – Latin American Regional Section (IASC-LARS)
Best Paper Winners 2021: Title: ‘Fast Bayesian inference for block-NNGP for large data’. First Author: Zaida Jesús Quiroz Cornejo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú Co-Author: Marcos O. Prates, Department of Statistics, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Co-Author: Dipak K. Dey, Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut Co-Author: Havard Rue, Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and […]
Prof. Nalini Ravishanker has been presented a service award by the International Statistical Institute (ISI)
The ISI Service Awards are presented to members who have made outstanding contributions to the ISI and the international statistical community. Nalini Ravishanker for outstanding and dedicated leadership and service as SPC Chair for the Virtual ISI World Statistics Congress 2021. Congratulations!
– Asst. Prof. Yao Zheng has been awarded a UConn Research Excellence Program (REP) funding for AY 2020-21.
Yao Zheng’s Research Excellence Program (REP) proposal for AY 2020-21 entitled “Novel Statistical Modeling Techniques for High-Dimensional Time Series Data” has been selected for funding by OVPR. Congratulations to Professor Yao Zheng!
– Prof. Dipak Dey is the winner of the 2021 Faculty Mentoring of Faculty Award.
Prof. Dipak Dey is the winner of the 2021 Faculty Mentoring of Faculty Award. The Faculty Mentoring Awards will recognize faculty who demonstrate exemplary support, encouragement, and the creation of opportunities to enrich the learning and professional development of others. Awards will be given in three categories each year: mentoring of faculty, mentoring of graduate […]
– Professor and Dept. Head Ming-Hui Chen has been selected as a Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor
Professor and Dept. Head Ming-Hui Chen has been selected as a Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Congratulations Professor Ming! Read more about this story here,
– Prof. Dipak Dey is a newly elected member of the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering.
– Asst. Prof. Yuwen Gu selected as one of the first recipients of the Makuch Awards in Mathematics and Data Science.
Two CLAS Faculty Receive First Makuch Awards in Mathematics and Data Science
– Assoc. Prof. Yuping Zhang has been awarded Scholarship Facilitation Funding (SFF).
Associate Professor Yuping Zhang’s project entitled A new graph-based clustering method with application to single-cell RNA-seq data from human pancreatic islets has been selected for funding from UConn/UConn Health Scholarship Facilitation Fund (SFF) for Spring 2021.