Wenrui Li

Assistant Professor


Selected Publications

  • (With Chang, C., Kundu, S., and Long, Q.) 2024. Accounting for network noise in graph-guided Bayesian modeling of structured high-dimensional data. Biometrics, 80(1), ujae012.  
  • (With Wang W., Sun Y., Milanovic S., Kon M., and Castrillon-Candas J.E.) 2024. Multilevel stochastic optimization for imputation in massive medical data records. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 10(2), 122-131.  
  • (With Sussman, D. L., and Kolaczyk, E. D.) 2023. Estimation of the branching factor in noisy networks. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 10(1), 565-577. 
  • (With Bulekova, K., Gregor, B., White, L. F., and Kolaczyk, E. D.) 2022. Estimation of local time-varying reproduction numbers in noisy surveillance data. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 380(2233), 20210303. 


Wenrui Li
Contact Information
Phone(860) 486-0072
Office LocationAUST 304
CampusStorrs Campus
LinkPersonal Website
Research Interests
  • Statistics for network data
  • Causal inference under interference
  • High-dimensional data analysis
  • Bayesian modeling