Financial Aid
Prospective graduate students may apply for several financial aid opportunities to help cover the cost of their graduate education. In addition, current statistics graduate students can qualify for departmental awards that recognize outstanding academic performance, teaching, and service.
Graduate Support and Awards
Graduate Assistantships
The Department of Statistics offers both teaching assistantships (TA) and research assistantships (RA) to graduate students enrolled in the statistics Ph.D. program. These assistantships include a tuition waiver, a stipend, and a range of other benefits. Master’s students are not eligible for graduate assistantships.
To be considered for a graduate assistantship, prospective Ph.D. students must select that they wish to be considered in the UConn Graduate School’s online Slate application. TAs are awarded based on the availability of funding, the Department's needs, the student's progress in study, and their performance in previous graduate assistantships.
Note: According to UConn's English proficiency policy for TA, all teaching assistants for whom English is not a primary language must pass an oral English proficiency test regardless of citizenship or visa status.
Graduate School Fellowship Awards
The Graduate School offers fellowships for matriculating graduate students.
In order for an applicant to be considered for one of the following fellowships, the applicant must select that they wish to be considered in the UConn Graduate School’s online Slate application. Recipients of these fellowships are the most academically promising members of the entering class of graduate students at the University of Connecticut. The criteria used to select recipients include the following:
- Evidence of scholarly or creative achievement highlighted by the department or program in their nomination and evidence that the department or program provides the environment necessary for success in the areas of interest highlighted by the applicant.
- Evidence of any prior scholarly or creative achievement by the nominee, e.g., publications, presentations, exhibits, performances.
- Evidence that the nominee has been successful at previous academic institutions, e.g., letters of recommendation.
- Quantitative evidence of academic accomplishment, e.g., undergraduate grade point average, GRE/GMAT (when available).
Additional information is available on the Graduate School website.
Department Awards
The Department of Statistics offers awards to outstanding graduate students based on academic performance, teaching, and service. These awards are typically granted once per year based on recommendations to the Department’s Awards Committee.