Statistical Software
UConn students taking statistics courses have access to a variety of statistical software through the University. Most software is available on UConn-owned devices, or students can access software on their personal devices via UConn AnyWare.
Software for Students
Rather than installing software directly on their device, students are encouraged to access the software they need through UConn AnyWare. With this method, there is no install process, and students will have off-campus access without using a VPN. Through AnyWare, students log in to a “virtual desktop” in which the software they need is already installed.
Graduate Assistants
Graduate assistants also have the ability to install software directly on their personal devices. Available programs include SAS, SPSS, Stata, Minitab, Mathematica, Matlab, Maple, and Wolfram Alpha Pro. In order to use installed software, students must be connected to the UConn on-campus network, or use the Cisco AnyConnect VPN when off-campus.